Monday 22 November 2010

Poster Analysis

Film Posters that Represent Father and Son relationships

 The films shown in the image above have some relation to what my short film will about. The films above all have representation of the father and son relationship but highlight and represent them all in a different way. Each film poster shown in the image above portrays negative and positive father relationships but all of them show the development of that bond and relationship through a duration of time. Out of all the film posters I found i decided to chose the film "The Road" becasue it highlighted a more stronger issue that I felt related to our fim.

The Road - 2009
This is Three different Versions of the Poster for "The Road"
 The Film The Road is similar to what The Prodigy is about where by the struggles of Father and Son and the overall development based on the outcome whether it be postive or negative.  Each poster for this film highlights the struggle in a idfferent way at a different angle. I will be focusing on  the main blockbuster poster for this film.

The Road Poster Anaylsis

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