Thursday 25 November 2010

Filming Problems and Solutions summary

In the  days leading up to filming, both actors dropped out of our film and me and Vivienne were left in a bad position, where we had no actors and only a limited time on the pub location where we would be filming. We had a brief with each other and decided that we would hunt for actors that could replace the characters. In one case we decided to change the etnicity from Caucasian to Afro Caribbean as it might be more easier to find people that we know in that way. this to proved to be a failed attempt as there was no one to step in as work commitments and school commitments often was the reply that we got back.

We took the time to talk with our teacher and decided to change the film a bit where the father figure would in fact become the son. We made this decision as it would be an easier person to cast as well as finding two brothers to cast as well. We made many alterations based on mistakes that we were displaying when planning for our film. I realised now that our short film would need to be more effective as well as straight to the point. We would need to display our story as effectively so that the story can be expressed where by the audience will gain understanding of what is happening. When we were shown the small film "lovers jump", I liked how straight forward the storyline was as well as how easy it was to pick up ion the story line.

Brother Relationship Idea

The film Me and Vivienne are going to produce will based on a brother and brother relationship where by the youngest brother will be hiding a secret from the eldest that the eldest disagrees with strongly. Whether the eldest accepts this is unknown. We will still be keeping the religion theme running through the film and the element of a secret.

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