Monday 29 November 2010

Pre-Production Planning: Casting

I produced a Casting sheet, and went round my sixth form asking males of around the same age to be brothers for our film. To ensure we had reliable people I ensured I  asked them when they would be free e.g. the times and days. With this information I matched them with our scheduling to film. I also recorded their contact details and the locality of where they lived to know how they would be travelling and from where they would be travelling. When casting these two boys I through it would be best to have many back ups just in case because ethnicity would not be a key factor within our film and so casting two males would be easier. 

I also was able to get names of people from without or school that both me and Vivienne knew personally. Now me and Vivienne have many people to chose from when considering casting. 

Thursday 25 November 2010

Filming Problems and Solutions summary

In the  days leading up to filming, both actors dropped out of our film and me and Vivienne were left in a bad position, where we had no actors and only a limited time on the pub location where we would be filming. We had a brief with each other and decided that we would hunt for actors that could replace the characters. In one case we decided to change the etnicity from Caucasian to Afro Caribbean as it might be more easier to find people that we know in that way. this to proved to be a failed attempt as there was no one to step in as work commitments and school commitments often was the reply that we got back.

We took the time to talk with our teacher and decided to change the film a bit where the father figure would in fact become the son. We made this decision as it would be an easier person to cast as well as finding two brothers to cast as well. We made many alterations based on mistakes that we were displaying when planning for our film. I realised now that our short film would need to be more effective as well as straight to the point. We would need to display our story as effectively so that the story can be expressed where by the audience will gain understanding of what is happening. When we were shown the small film "lovers jump", I liked how straight forward the storyline was as well as how easy it was to pick up ion the story line.

Brother Relationship Idea

The film Me and Vivienne are going to produce will based on a brother and brother relationship where by the youngest brother will be hiding a secret from the eldest that the eldest disagrees with strongly. Whether the eldest accepts this is unknown. We will still be keeping the religion theme running through the film and the element of a secret.

Monday 22 November 2010

Poster Analysis

Film Posters that Represent Father and Son relationships

 The films shown in the image above have some relation to what my short film will about. The films above all have representation of the father and son relationship but highlight and represent them all in a different way. Each film poster shown in the image above portrays negative and positive father relationships but all of them show the development of that bond and relationship through a duration of time. Out of all the film posters I found i decided to chose the film "The Road" becasue it highlighted a more stronger issue that I felt related to our fim.

The Road - 2009
This is Three different Versions of the Poster for "The Road"
 The Film The Road is similar to what The Prodigy is about where by the struggles of Father and Son and the overall development based on the outcome whether it be postive or negative.  Each poster for this film highlights the struggle in a idfferent way at a different angle. I will be focusing on  the main blockbuster poster for this film.

The Road Poster Anaylsis

Monday 15 November 2010

Presentation Review

What Went well?
  • I think that our presentation went really well based on us providing our auidence with our pitch.
  • We ensured our main points were put across and displayed berally and visually.
  • I feel that the information i spoke about i was confident and spoke articulaely.
  • We managed to deal with our faults professionally and quickly.
  • We was clear and referred to evidence when speaking.
  • We were able to answer all questions asked when it came to the feedback
  • We didnt over talk each other instead we picked up where each other left off and helped each other present the information.
What went wrong?
  • Our struture of our presentation could have been better put together
  • We didnt have all the information that we woanted to present and so that was a disadvantage to us.
  • Our Animatic did not play due to technical difficulties and so we were unable to show it.
If i were to do it again...
I think if we had a chance to do this again we could have used prezi to make it more visual but also if we would have used powerpoint we could have made it more interactive via transitions and animation.  I also think we could take more time on how we display it as well as what we say as well as use prompt cars to extend what we would say.
Overall I think we presented really good with the information we had at hand. We managed well with the questions and were confident even though we didnt have all our information. We received feedback that we took on board and so even though we had some bad we also had good which was really a positive aspect for us.

Wednesday 10 November 2010

Pre production: Animatic

On the Animatic I recorded one of the characters voices and uploaded the animatic onto youtube. With Vivienne I also helped out with the problems that occured when it came to recording and saving our animatic. Working alongside Vivienne we were able to match our script to t he animatic i mages as well as choose the sound effects and theme tunes that will runthoughout the animatic.

Pre Production: Story Board Planning

Before we began putting our film into action, Myself alongside Vivienne created a Storyboard of how our film will be carried out. The storyboard was really creative as I produced the images that could represent every shot of every scene. I briefly gave a description of what each shot will be about. Each scene was different from the other and in total there are five scenes. The Storyboard Images looked like the ones shown above. I then applied them to a storyboard template shown below.  The storyboard helped me and Vivienne develop our ideas on how the film should look and how we would go about filming it.

Monday 8 November 2010

Pre-Production Planning Location

It was my job to find our wanted loacations to conduct filiming. From discussing the locations with Vivienne it was evident that finding some of our locations might prove to be difficult. The locations that we will be lloking to film at are: 
  • Crystal Palace Stadium (External)
  • Local Pub
  • A House (Bathroom,Staircase,Kitchen and Bedroom)

Crystal Palace Stadium
This location is for our first scene. Father and Son will be comming out of the Stadium hving watching a football match. We chose Crystal Palace Stadium becase it is easy to get to as well as it is exactly the location we need in order to represent the father and son relationship. The fact that it is an actual football ground makes it even more realistic. We will filming mainly on the exteriour of the footbal stadium as the Father and Son will just be comming out of a football match. This location will not be busy anytime soon and so ease of filming will be at our advantage.

Local Pub
I have found a pub that may let us film in their premises. This location is needed for t he second scene where the Father and Son are having a drink. Thislocation is proving hard to ffind ecause of the restrictions and timings that we may film at. I am still contact other pubs to see if they will let us film. If i cannot get hold o this location then I will seek to find an alternative location whereby these scenes can be acted out.

A house
We have yet to find this location but we have some offers as to the houses we can use to film at.