Wednesday 1 December 2010

Poster Ideas

Film Poster Idea
This is my view on what our film poster should look like. I tried to think about the main aspects of the film and what it would really be focusing on. I decided that the main focus would be the little brother of the film as he is the one that is bring the impact on the film. I had an idea of the older brother being in the background behind of  the little brother as to give him pressure. Having the little brother at the for front means that the audience will know it has something to do with him and that the older brother comes into it along the lines. As you can see only the brother and his hands are shown as well as him in the costume, with the religious hat on. We don't see he brothers bottom half at all as well as him not being centred in the middle of the page instead he is on the right hand side. I positioned him there so that the other brother could be seen behind him. I did this because the film is about both brothers but it is  the little brother that disturbs the peace and calm within the film based on him changing. 

The expression of the brothers face is not at all happy and this shows the audience that tension will arise as well as something will happen within the film.  The film title 'Prodigy' I added an affect that makes a theme that we are highlighting in our film stand out. The 'O'  in the title I changed to the islamic symbol with the moon and star and this relates back to religion. The audience will gain an idea of this theme running through film based on the little brothers posture and what he is doing which is praying. There are many verbal and visual representations in the poster and many are displaying the film in different aspects. The islamic symbol signifies religion in relation to the the little brother. 

In relation to the narrative and story, some key points are given away but not much as the audience should get an idea and develop that idea how they want until they see the film.  We ensure that the theme of the media product is made evident and this religion and the fact that it is a social relaism film.  The pleasures promised is that the film will be based and focused around one central caharcter. The tagline I came up with is that 'Change becomes reality' and this ties into the characters going through change and whether or not it will be accepted.